“I’m having trouble keeping my wooden wick lit.”
“Why won’t my wooden wick stay lit?”
These are common questions that I’ve been getting, so I created a video to help clear this up a bit. Wooden wicks are a little bit more complicated than cotton wicks, however, they both follow the same rules:
Make sure to trim your wick EVERY SINGLE TIME! With wooden wicks, this means that you want to break off the burnt wood every time before relighting it.
Don’t move your candle around after it’s lit.
Keep the lit candle away from fans or open windows. You don ‘t want to have a breeze around your candle.
Most importantly, keep your candle lit for a minimum of 2 hours, or at least until there’s a wax pool all the way across.
The link to the video on YouTube is here - https://youtu.be/emHBSym9PDU
Hope this helps!!!